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Hey guys, I apologise for the lack of consistency. Me and blogger are not the best of friends right now but yeah here is the next blog. In moments of introspection, I've realised that if you don't know who you its is very easy for others to walk all over you and to take advantage. No matter how strong you fool people you are and no matter how many times you tweet that you're heartless, someone out there will find a way of walking all over you. S ociety, in general, wants us to be nice people. When we’re young, we’re often reminded why it’s a bad idea to be too stingy, too aggressive, too mean, or too arrogant. Unfortunately, society generally doesn’t remind us that being too nice can be just as bad, if not worse, than being mean. As a result, many of us have a hard time saying no when asking for a favour, and even more of us are ashamed to ever consider putting our own needs first. There are  number of different ways to ensure you're not mistaken for a door matt. ...


So Valentine's Day has passed so I can finally release this blog without looking like a hater although I should have published this blog before then. This blog is going to let you guys know why that one guy keeps coming back to you even though he doesn't want you.

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A man showing anger and persistence to get you back once you try and break it off with him is not proof off his love for you, its a knee jerk reaction. A man kissing your ass and making flaccid attempts to be nicer to you for two weeks is not proof that he is trying, it is proof that he knows how to defuse you long enough to hook you once again. If you take a toy from a little boy he cries, take away a relationship of convenience, a big man child cries. Just because he cries does not mean you give him what he wants, especially if it is at the expense of your mental health. A lot of women do not know what it is like to be loved by a real man. You know lust, you know joy, you know passion and you know the fear of abandonment. Stop chasing your idea of love and recognise what love real is. Love is not promising to act right after he messes up for the tenth time; love is him acting right from the get go because the thought of loosing you outweighs all the thoughts of temporary satisfaction. Love is not telling a grown man he needs to change to keep you; love is a grown man changing on his own because he can't imagine life without you.

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Some men can be toxic to your health. They do not want to love you properly, but they don't want to let go of you either. The more you give the less they appreciate and the minute you have had enough and decide it's time to walk away is the moment they are ready to love you and treat you right. So you give him another chance in hopes that he changes only to realise it's just going to be a repeat of all the other times you gave him another chance; it's almost like you knew this was going to happen in the back of your head but you ignored it because you feared being by yourself. Some of you girls need to understand that being by yourself does not mean you are lonely. No company is better than bad company and until you begin to understand this then you're going to continue to disturb your peace. This cycle will continue to repeat itself until you gather up enough strength to say enough is enough and really cut him off. Not the cutting off that lasts two days when you see him get a fresh trim and look like a snack again  so you allow him back into your space. Don't worry all of us have been there.

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You need a real man who will commit to you and love you at all times and not only when you when you decide to walk away. He sabotages  the relationship by being distant, unreliable, lying and/or cheating because he is afraid of commitment. Grown men don't play games, string you along or entertain any other woman. You will know when you have found a real man and a true gentleman because there will be no guessing, no anxiety,and no other competition. Often people find themselves struggling to leave these toxic relationships because they exaggerate their positions and importance in other peoples lives and this is the worst thing you can do yourself because your are hurting yourself more than you know. He will make you feel safe and loved at all times. If the man you are with only wants to be with you when threatened by your absence , he is not the man for you. A man will only do what you allow. Stop believing what he says and watch what he does. If he really wanted you he would treat you like he wanted you and not the complete opposite.
So what am I saying I hear you ask. I am saying run away from these good for nothing men. even if they ask you why are you running ;)

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well that is all for today my loves!
stay connected and make sure you follow my socials and feel free to drop me a quick dm at any time
snapchat: iamashlieghhh
twitter: @axxxhxo
insta: axxhxo


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