So this is my very first blog and to be honest I didn't know what to write about until I realised that it's nearly the end of the year. In introspect, I realised that I made a lot of mistakes this year that put me in a number of messed up situations and getting out of those situations was really tough. Despite the hell that this year has brought to me on a plate with a side of piping hot tea, I have learned a number of different and important lessons that now prevent me from making similar mistakes in the future. yep, you guessed it! I'm talking about men. See I'm not going to fall into the stereotype and start screaming "men are trash" because sis I am tired. See in this blog. I am going to help y'all out. I don't want you guys to make the same mistakes I did in this big 2017 when finding love😁. If you guys follow these simple steps that I'm giving you guys you will be fine.I hope:). Let's get straight to it.

STEP NUMBER ONE: IF THE BOTH OF YOU DO NOT WANT THE SAME THING, LEAVE. A conflict of interest no matter what the situation is never a good thing. If both of y'all want to keep things casual and not label anything, we thank God because that is great. However if one of you want a serious relationship followed by marriage followed by children named Zara and Zane but the other participant in the relationship only want a quick, sexual(not emotional) relationship with no commitment at all then that is when things get a little tough. In the beginning of this relationships intentions should always be made clear. there is no point of getting into a relationship not knowing where you stand with the person. That is when insecurities begin to form which then puts the relationship in danger of failing, even if the relationship is a simple friendship. I have made countless mistakes where I have either been led on or i have been the one who leads others on (yeah... I used to be trash). In these situations, if not handled properly, unhealthy relationships quickly form which is something we do not want in the new year. we want positive vibes filled with nothing but positive and happy thoughts.

Often when individuals begin to catch feelings(God forbid) or begin to like someone they begin to lose the common sense their parents installed them as a child. they begin to act like stupid individuals. they begin to ignore obvious signs of incompatibility. This is a very dangerous way of thinking as this
is not very efficient for this economy my love. By thinking about your feelings you automatically make yourself vulnerable and a very easy target to those ain't shit people. feeding off other people energy is something that is very real and is very expensive so we cant do that anymore I'm afraid dear. Your gut will always tell you the truth. Always trust you're gut because it has your best interest in mind I promise you. I have managed to leave a number of situations, without life-threatening trauma because I have trusted my gut. Sis, you feel like that boy has been cheating on you with his babysitter? pull up to his house and check up on them :). Uncle? you feel like your wife has been cheating on you with the gate boy while you are at work which enables you to afford her demanded monthly bundles and feed her children from a previous marriage with a man that is in prison for fraud because of the same reasons you are working? check her!
Okay, that was extreme but you get my point. Your gut is the best indicator and by ignoring this free tool will be you being denial. This will only lead to strong regret later on in life which is something we don't want in 2018! WE WANT TO LIVE OUR BEST LIVES BABY.

Change is something that is very hard to cope with. speaking to somebody every day for a very long time and then suddenly stopping is a tough situation to adjust to. This is when people find themselves going back and forcing certain situations. The most common thing I come across when it comes to people running back to the dead relationship is because they want 'closure'. This makes me so mad and I used to be this girl. The fact that an individual can leave you is enough closure. If people want to stay in situations or relationship they will regardless of any other external factors. My mum always said to me never beg a man to stay in your life and she was so right. Have a mentality that is going to support your growth as an individual. Running to broken and dead situations won't help you in any way. Remember if something is meant to be it will so don't force it ma'. Match the energy you are given not what you have convinced yourself you are receiving. Running back to this harmful situations will only damage you worse and worse every time. Remember 'love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy it does not boast. it is not proud.' if your 'love' is abusive then you need to check that. especially if it something you keep running back to.
So guys, thank you for reading my FIRST EVER BLOG !!! I'm going to be consistently uploading different blogs with different materials so make sure you keep checking my social media for new releases. If you want me to upload certain blogs with specific material feel free to direct message me at any point xxxxx
twitter: @AXXXHXO
instagram: @AXXHXO
snapchat : iamashlieghhh
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