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Hey guys, I apologise for the lack of consistency. Me and blogger are not the best of friends right now but yeah here is the next blog. In moments of introspection, I've realised that if you don't know who you its is very easy for others to walk all over you and to take advantage. No matter how strong you fool people you are and no matter how many times you tweet that you're heartless, someone out there will find a way of walking all over you. S ociety, in general, wants us to be nice people. When we’re young, we’re often reminded why it’s a bad idea to be too stingy, too aggressive, too mean, or too arrogant. Unfortunately, society generally doesn’t remind us that being too nice can be just as bad, if not worse, than being mean. As a result, many of us have a hard time saying no when asking for a favour, and even more of us are ashamed to ever consider putting our own needs first. There are  number of different ways to ensure you're not mistaken for a door matt. ...


So many of you guys know you have personal issues and choose to ignore them hoping they are just going to go away. It doesn't happen like that. In this blog, I'm going to let you know how you identify these problems and how to sort these self-love issues out.

Image result for why do i hate myself gif

Without self-love, a lot of issues arise within yourself and the relationships you have with other people within the society. You begin to doubt your talents and your capability as an individual which can be damaging to your self-esteem.

The most beautiful art is created at the ugliest times. Just because you're going through a tough time doesn't mean you're not going to come out of the situation stronger than ever. Your scars are physical and emotional illustrations of how the world tried to beat and destroy you but your soul and your strength helped you defeat the world, and its toe sucking lessons.A mind is a powerful tool that can be used for good but it can also be used for bad, not just to others but yourself. Without self-love controlling these straying thoughts of doubt and defeat will be very hard. Being in a dark place clouds your judgement of many things such as your worth, your talent and your willpower, however, if you know what an amazing individual you are and how valuable you are to the world, your family and your friends, temporary moments of darkness won't phase you as much. The instalment of self-love reminds you that despite the rain that's dampening your mood and your progress, there is always hope for the sun to come out and to brighten things up (well not literally). My favourite gospel artist; Kirk Franklin has a song that always helps me get out of the dumps. It's titled 'my life is in your hands'. The song literally describes a situation where you begin to lose hope. Even if you're not religious I recommend you listen to the song. Gospel music has a reputation for making people smile. 

now we have understood how important self-love is, let's look at what can happen if you don't have self-love. 

You begin to harm relationships that mean a lot to you.
Many people have heard of defence mechanisms. A defence mechanism is an unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli. So in normal people language, defence mechanisms help people cope with being exposed. When someone is 'triggered' ( feels personally attacked) they often have a way of shutting that point down extremely quickly especially if the individual is comfortable with their current situation. This can include shouting erratically, walking away or simply ignoring. These defence mechanisms have an amazing way of destroying friendships and relationships. Humans do not like being corrected or helped due to pride so the natural reaction of someone that does not love themselves would be to pop off. Now the popping off is where the issue lies. If you had self-love and knew yourself inside out you would have dealt with the situation in a wiser manner. This could have saved your friendships/relationships. Basically being content with yourself is very important because when other individuals comment on your personality or looks, you know yourself better than anyone else does. If you feel like you do have a problem you take a mental note of what people are saying and help yourself by taking the right steps to bettering you as a person. BUT REMEMBER CHANGE FOR YOURSELF, NOT FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!! 

People often forget that the mind, conscience and soul are three separate tools that have different roles. Your mind is there to help you think. Not just intellectually( like knowing the equation to determine the speed of light) but there as the leader of your whole body ( something Donald Trump hasn't mastered yet). The combination of these three separate things enables the average human to function efficiently. You see when a human overuses their mind, they throw out the use of their morals and their empathy towards others because the mind is what is running a person by itself. This can be exhausting as we know a build up of emotions can lead to an explosion of tears and anger. This is just one possible outcome that comes without knowing how to balance the three tools effectively. The soul is there to keep you sane. See the soul isn't as dominant as the mind or as loud as the conscience but it speaks quietly but still has a massive impact on decisions made every day. The soul keeps your morals in check. Have you ever heard the saying "God have mercy on your soul"? Yeah so have I. This is said to mean people who don't know how to treat others in the proper and expected way. Keep your soul clean. There are different ways to do this but we will discuss that at a later time. We all know what the conscience does so we don't need to explain in great detail but it's that little voice you can hear inside your head. It sometimes gets annoying but it's there for a reason for this so listen to it, please. The combination of these tools helps to manifest self-love. Keep your soul clean, listen to your conscience and control the power of your mind and you are already halfway there.
Image result for body mind and soul gif

Ways of achieving self-love 

Self-love isn't just drinking at least three litres of water a day or going to the gym 3 times a week. It's loving who you are from the inside out. Self-love is honestly one of the most important things that will get you through life, especially in an era of Instagram baddies with bodies sculpted perfectly by dr Maimi or when money is seen as the best tool to achieve happiness. Being content allows you to ignore comments from nasty individuals who aim to upset you.  Now let's look at how you can improve or build on your self-love. 

1.remove yourself from negative energy. People forget that their company holds great relevance to how you view yourself. If you are around people who constantly bring you down and point out the negative points about you and never the positive then that's how you are going to start viewing yourself. If you feel like cutting those friends of would leave you to be yourself for a while, THEN SO BE IT BABY GIRL. YOU'RE A BAD BITCH THEY CAN'T KILL YOU.

2.Find time to talk to your self in private. Motivate yourself and tell yourself the truth. Self-motivation is seen to be one of the most effective ways to help yourself understand your value and worth as a person whether you are a girl or a boy. As I've mentioned earlier on the mind is a powerful tool and by convincing yourself you are an amazing individual through your own words cannot be beaten. 

3.Speak positively about yourself and other women. 
Self-love is not the bashing of other women. 
Self-love is not the bashing of other women 
Self-love is not the bashing of other women.
If I could scream this Everyday I would. Taking your insecurities out on other people will only make you a hating ass Bitch which is something that can't run. Pretty bitches don't hate on other people's hustle.

4.Stop comparing yourself to other people
When people compare their lives to other people and what those people have achieved compared to you, then you have adopted a destructive habit. Everyone's journey is different so by comparing yourself to others will only postpone your journey and make it harder for yourself to make things happen. you begin to develop a feeling where you constantly feel sorry for your yourself and this type of mindset will slow you down even more.


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