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Hey guys, I apologise for the lack of consistency. Me and blogger are not the best of friends right now but yeah here is the next blog. In moments of introspection, I've realised that if you don't know who you its is very easy for others to walk all over you and to take advantage. No matter how strong you fool people you are and no matter how many times you tweet that you're heartless, someone out there will find a way of walking all over you. S ociety, in general, wants us to be nice people. When we’re young, we’re often reminded why it’s a bad idea to be too stingy, too aggressive, too mean, or too arrogant. Unfortunately, society generally doesn’t remind us that being too nice can be just as bad, if not worse, than being mean. As a result, many of us have a hard time saying no when asking for a favour, and even more of us are ashamed to ever consider putting our own needs first. There are  number of different ways to ensure you're not mistaken for a door matt. ...


Hey guys, let me start off by apologising for my inconsistency as a blogger. I know that I promised to keep consistent this year with my posts and all but I have been going through it guys and I have had to deal with a number of situations which drained my energy. But I am back and better and ready to dish out the hottest tea available so without delay lets get to it.

Today's blog is going to about those things that smell like a relationship, make you believe you are in relationship and it might even look like a relationship! Situationships, the most toxic form of relationship after fake friendships. For those who do not know what a situationship is, allow me to explain. A situationship is a relationship that does not make it to the official stage.The situationship can be toxic for many reasons so allow me to explain (btw I have used Black Chyna today because she's a mood.)

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First thing is first, situationships have the potential to confuse the hell out of you. When you are in a real relationship with someone, you know your boundaries and your limits when it comes to offending or upsetting your partner. However situationships don't hold this type of clarity. They will confuse you to the point you don't know your own limits which is very unhealthy, both mentally and spiritually. I'm saying this because when you are in a situationship you are single. You do not owe anyone anything not even an explanation for certain actions. If you wanna go to the club and wine on other men go on sis. If you want to take another girl on a date king, do you. Most of you guys are probably confused and that's because nowadays there is a taboo on actually speaking the truth about problems like this. If  two individuals feel so strongly about each other that if the other person in the situationship was to get involved with another person you would be upset, then you and this person need to have a conversation about the status of your relationship and decide what to do from there. If you guys 'aren't ready for a relationship' but don't want to cut contact ,find a healthy form of doing so which won't compromise your mental health.

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Situationships can form into unhealthy soul ties. soul ties are actually the mot wicked things that I have come across. I am actually laughing while typing this because I have encountered what a soul tie can do. These soul ties do not refer to catching feelings. These are much deeper. Soul ties can form with any type of relationships not just situationships. However, situations are toxic in their own twisted way so combining a situationship with a bad soul ties actually equivalent to drinking bleach because it will kill you from the inside out. Soul ties are more for the spiritual minded people. They are defined as ' A spiritual/emotional connection you have to someone after being intimate with them, usually engaging in sexual intercourse. To the point that when you want to be rid of them from your mind and your life, even  when you are far away from them and out of their presence you still feel as if they are apart of you and apart of you is with them, Causing you to feel unwhole, as if you've given up some of yourself that cannot be easily possessed again.' if you can't see the negative in this I actually do not know for you.

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You guys never dated but he still broke your heart. Yep I know that at this point some of you guys feel personally attacked. How do you allow someone that does not hold a significant title  or role in your life compromise your well being. This actually needed to be left back in 2017 because this is honestly so destructive. Whats worse is that  this type of heart break is they type that will leave you asking yourself questions like ' was I not enough for him?' and that is honestly so sad and breaks my heart. As an individual,male or female, understand that you need to be able to filter bad energy from the good and decide who to give our time to because allowing anyone to take up your time or even get to know you will be self destructive in the long run and this can be easily avoidable.

getting to know each other is different from a situationship so please work out your salvation and get to know yourself enough to understand that you know your own boundaries and you know when there is a change in relationships and know when to dead them off efficiently. 

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I didn't want this blog to be too long because my last blog was way too long. Hope you guys are having an amazing new year and are achieving all the goals you have set for yourself. my YouTube channel is coming soon followed by a few other projects so stay tune 😊😊

add me on snapchat: iamashlieghh and feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

talkswithaxxhxo xxxx


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