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Hey guys, I apologise for the lack of consistency. Me and blogger are not the best of friends right now but yeah here is the next blog. In moments of introspection, I've realised that if you don't know who you its is very easy for others to walk all over you and to take advantage. No matter how strong you fool people you are and no matter how many times you tweet that you're heartless, someone out there will find a way of walking all over you. S ociety, in general, wants us to be nice people. When we’re young, we’re often reminded why it’s a bad idea to be too stingy, too aggressive, too mean, or too arrogant. Unfortunately, society generally doesn’t remind us that being too nice can be just as bad, if not worse, than being mean. As a result, many of us have a hard time saying no when asking for a favour, and even more of us are ashamed to ever consider putting our own needs first. There are  number of different ways to ensure you're not mistaken for a door matt. ...
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So Valentine's Day has passed so I can finally release this blog without looking like a hater although I should have published this blog before then. This blog is going to let you guys know why that one guy keeps coming back to you even though he doesn't want you. A man showing anger and persistence to get you back once you try and break it off with him is not proof off his love for you, its a knee jerk reaction. A man kissing your ass and making flaccid attempts to be nicer to you for two weeks is not proof that he is trying, it is proof that he knows how to defuse you long enough to hook you once again. If you take a toy from a little boy he cries, take away a relationship of convenience, a big man child cries. Just because he cries does not mean you give him what he wants, especially if it is at the expense of your mental health. A lot of women do not know what it is like to be loved by a real man. You know lust, you know joy, you know passion and you know the fear of ab...


Hey guys, let me start off by apologising for my inconsistency as a blogger. I know that I promised to keep consistent this year with my posts and all but I have been going through it guys and I have had to deal with a number of situations which drained my energy. But I am back and better and ready to dish out the hottest tea available so without delay lets get to it. Today's blog is going to about those things that smell like a relationship, make you believe you are in relationship and it might even look like a relationship! Situationships, the most toxic form of relationship after fake friendships. For those who do not know what a situationship is, allow me to explain. A situationship is a relationship that does not make it to the official stage.The situationship can be toxic for many reasons so allow me to explain (btw I have used Black Chyna today because she's a mood.) First thing is first, situationships have the potential to confuse the hell out of you. When ...


Hi guys! I wrote this blog after a situation took place in a restaurant which included two black males that felt the need to comment on their opinions of black women. Don’t get me wrong I truly believe in freedom of speech BUT only if the information coming from your lips is going to benefit someone. If the comments are only destructive and will only upset people there is no need for you to speak. His comments included things such as ‘black women have nothing to offer but pussy.’, ‘you are all destined to be single mothers’ and ‘the fact that you black women want to be independent is why you are so weak’.     First of all, I am a strong, compassionate, loving, intelligent, bright, socially aware, beautiful young black woman, who knows to value myself. I am more than just a sexual organ. I am my own muse filled with intellectual ideas and a serious interest in poetry and music and economics. So when I hear a male who was raised by a black woman and has young...


So many of you guys know you have personal issues and choose to ignore them hoping they are just going to go away. It doesn't happen like that. In this blog, I'm going to let you know how you identify these problems and how to sort these self-love issues out. Without self-love, a lot of issues arise within yourself and the relationships you have with other people within the society. You begin to doubt your talents and your capability as an individual which can be damaging to your self-esteem. The most beautiful art is created at the ugliest times. Just because you're going through a tough time doesn't mean you're not going to come out of the situation stronger than ever. Your scars are physical and emotional illustrations of how the world tried to beat and destroy you but your soul and your strength   helped you defeat the world, and its toe sucking lessons. A mind is a powerful tool that can be used for good but it can also be used for bad, not ...